Sponsorship Guidelines

Policy Statement

Sullivan County Community Hospital (SCCH) recognizes it must balance its role as a good steward of its financial resources and its role as an important partner to the community it serves. To help guide in that effort, this policy offers guidelines and parameters to aid in responding to the many requests for charitable donations, event sponsorships and in-kind requests received by Marketing and SCCH staff and administration.

Sponsorships typically represent requests for funding of cash or in-kind products and services that are offered by SCCH with the expectation of the receipt of something of benefit or value. Sponsorship includes any activity in which SCCH pays a fee, makes a cash donation, or provides goods and services to an organization in return for being identified or participating in that organization’s activity.

The benefits to SCCH may include the following:

  • Display and promotion of SCCH’s brand and logo.
  • Verbal, written and/or visual acknowledgement at events, functions, etc.
  • Participation opportunities for employee’s, medical staff and Board Members of SCCH.
  • The ability to highlight a particular service line or subject matter expertise.

Guidelines for Acceptable Sponsorships
SCCH’s priority in providing sponsorships is to nonprofit groups and/or other businesses that share our community and our objectives.

Requests for sponsorships will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:

  • The sponsorship meets SCCH’s Sponsorship Guidelines and Approval Process.
  • The sponsorship meets current funding capabilities.
  • The sponsorship supports SCCH’s Mission and strategic initiatives.
  • The sponsorship provides for broad community impact.
  • For SCCH team sponsorships, at least 75% of the participants must be employees, physicians, or volunteers at SCCH.


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