Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund

Henry Bobe, a beloved and dedicated member of SCCH Board Trustees, devoted himself to the needs of others in the community and fully supported the employees of SCCH. In honor of his lifelong commitment to altruism, SCCH created the Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund.

Henry Bobe
July 2, 1952 – September 20, 2021


To be eligible for financial assistance, an employee must have satisfactorily completed an introductory period of employment. Requests are reviewed by Human Resources and the Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund Committee. Assistance may not exceed $599 per request and determinations will be based on need, nature of request, and available funds. All requests will be kept confidential. Financial assistance will be paid directly to the appropriate entity (i.e. utility company, landlord, medical provider, etc.) rather than to the employee.

Employees assisted through Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund are not required to repay the funds they receive. However, once their circumstances have improved, recipients may elect to contribute to the Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund so that others may also receive help in their time of need.

The Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund is funded entirely through special events sponsored by Sullivan County Community Hospital and individual contributions. The fund is held in trust within the structure of the SCCH Foundation. Individual contributions to the fund through the Sullivan County Community Hospital Foundation are tax-deductible. Please consider making a donation in Henry’s memory.

Thank you for your support.

Please make checks payable to:
Sullivan County Community Hospital Foundation
Memo: Henry Bobe Benevolent Fund
P.O. Box 10
220 N. Section St.
Sullivan, IN 47882


*Donations to the Henry Babe Benevolent Fund are tax-deductible.

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